Arizona – Mesa and surrounding

We thought, hey why not?  Don’t know exactly what we will do there but lets pack the packs, bikes and other things and away we went.  And we had a great time.  The day after Turkey day we departed on our family vacation for this year.  Boston is now 7 months and we are ready for a week and some away.  We have done a few weekend trips but no main vacation, so this was it, and we were excited.

First a stop to Bryce Canyon to do some quick hikes.  Well one hike.  Then some looking.  Lexi as you will see, decides not to show her pretty little face when pictures are being taken.

Lexi wanted to be carried so was trying to catch up to Mom.  You can see how good of an actress she will be. :’) Click here for Video.

The girls did great hiking and loved being in the “cool rock place”.  It was a nice break in our driving.  Then it got dark and we drove to Page to stay the night.  It is interesting to see Adyson so interested in the map and knowing where we are and where we are headed.  In the morning we headed off to the Grand Canyon. But before doing so we went back across the Dam Bridge.  While driving over I asked what bridge we were on… “The DAM Bridge!!!” they all yelled.   Another Video Clip. This time they needed a little coaxing.  They forgot. :’)

It has been years since I went to the Grand Canyon.  In times past it was either me sitting looking out the front window of the Camper with Mom and Dad.  Another time was with my Uncle David and his family.  We hiked Rim to Rim.  I was 12 and still remember it distinctively.  When the kidos get big enough we will also be doing that.  For now, we drove to the overlook stops and got out to look.

One stop the girls were playing “Three Musketeers”  I think Lexi’s face scared off more than just the weary tourist. With sounds of “Haaa – Yaaaa!!!” We all got a laugh while they were in their own world.

What an amazing place.  At least the adults thought so.  After doing a few stops the girls didn’t want to get out any more, so while they sat in the car watching a movie, Jenny and I were able to quietly and peacefully take in the beauty.  As much fun as we have with our kids those quite moments were defiantly one of the most memorable.

When we arrived in Mesa, one of the first things after getting settled in our condo was to visit the Temple.  Jenny lived in Mesa for a few years and remembers hanging out on the Temple grounds.  It was very pretty.

Our trip here consisted of Hiking, biking, Zoo and hanging with some family. My cousin and Jenny’s Uncle.  With it being November, we were truly excited about being outside in the warmth of the Arizona sun.  It was chilly in AZ terms but we were all good.  We called Kim my cousin and she came with her little girl Addison.  Adyson and Addison.  Fun times.  The girls were always asking about when we were going to see Addison again.  My Adyson still talks about her.  They had a great time.  And so did we.  It was fun to see Kim then later to go over for dinner and see Mike and their house.

The Zoo was next on the agenda, but first we slipped in a hike to the little peak next to the zoo.

The Zoo was amazing.  HUGE!  We did almost half of it.  Yes we maybe could have seen it all, but it was nice to chill and take it easy.  We went to the petting Zoo where our little Lexi made her debut as “King of Funny”

She loved it.  What I loved was her wanting so badly to ride a Goat.  Yes that is what I said.  She walked from Goat to goat hoping to ride one and whinning to my that she wanted to ride it.  I could not help myself, I was laughing uncontrollably when I told her to go get on one that was laying down.  She did, and when it did nothing she jumped up and down asking him to get up.  Oh it was a highlight.  And after the sixth one not getting up she was so disappointed.

Good times at the Zoo.

We got to see Matt and Becky.  Had a great dinner there.  They told us about a Train park that we went to the following day.  Zoe didn’t come home from school, I guess went to a friends house.  :’) Alex joined us on the trains.  We love the “Choo Choo”.

We took our bikes and oh did we have fun.  Usery Mountain Park Was a great desert area where we like it so much we went back again.

It was great to watch the kids be so excited all the way to weary tired travelers.  Adyson rode her Double Up bike with Mom, and I pulled the trailer.  Got a bit interesting in spots but we made it work and had a great time.  Here are a few videos that were pretty funny:

Me with Lexi and Boston

Jenny and Adyson


Lexi and Boston Sleeping

Needless to say we had a great time hanging with Family, Hiking and Biking.  Would we go again…?  Oh yes.  I think when it gets cold winter season, we might slip down for a few days.  Good times. Thanks to Mike and Kim and Matt and Becky.

Here are more Pictures.

One thought on “Arizona – Mesa and surrounding

  1. Loved reading about your trip. Great pictures.! I really laughed at the one with Lexi and Boston asleep on your bike ride….that is how I want to go! What a great way to journal about your family

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